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Call for Abstracts

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The aim of the conference is to provide a platform for sharing experiences, lessons and good practices, as well as for raising issues and stimulating dialogue on the need to maintain academic integrity across the higher education sector. This would help ensure that the credibility and global competitiveness of the SA, and indeed African higher education qualifications, are not compromised.


Professionals who are involved or have interest in the promotion of quality in higher education, as well as students and other higher education stakeholders, from South Africa and other African countries, are cordially invited to take part in the conference. The target group includes, but is not limited to:

Ringing Phone
  • Quality assurance managers and/or practitioners in higher education institutions;

  • Officials from national qualifications authorities or commissions;

  • Deans of Faculties and Heads or Chairpersons of Departments in public and private higher education institutions;

  • Registrars in public and private higher education institutions;

  • Students in public and private higher education institutions;

  • Registrars of Professional Bodies

  • Academics;

  • Researchers in the fields of ethics, quality assurance and promotion;

  • Higher education policy and/or regulation developers;

  • Higher education policy analysts;

  • Officials from the Ministries and/or Departments of Higher Education; and

  • Representatives of non-governmental organisations (NGOs) with interest in the higher education.  

The conference will comprise plenary sessions, parallel paper presentation sessions, poster session, panel discussion session, a gala dinner and an excursion. The keynote speakers at the plenary sessions will include world renowned experts in matters to do with promotion of academic integrity. The panellists for the panel discussion session will similarly be a mixture of local and international experts in the field.

Academics, researchers, practitioners and all others who have something to share about the promotion of academic integrity in higher education are invited to submit abstracts for platform and/or poster presentations at the conference. The abstracts should be on topics that speak to the following conference subthemes or streams:

  • Stream 1: Philosophical, conceptual and/or theoretical discourses about academic integrity;

  • Stream 2: Academic integrity in curricula and qualification standards;

  • Stream 3: Academic integrity in teaching and learning, assessments and certification;

  • Stream 4: Academic integrity in research and publication;

  • Stream 4: Manifestations and trends of practices that threaten academic integrity; and

  • Stream 5: Good practices for promoting academic integrity in the 21st Century.


Abstracts submitted should adhere to the following requirements:

  • Not more than 350 words long;

  • Reflect titles, names of authors and their institutional or organisational affiliations;

  • Bear email addresses of the corresponding authors;

  • List the five (5) key words;

  • Typed using 11-point Arial or Century Gothic font type; and

  • Text lines justified and spaced consistently at one-and-half line spacing.


The abstracts should be sent to the conference Organising Committee through the following email address: (cc The deadline for the submission of abstracts is 30 November 2018, and the Organising Committee will confirm acceptance of abstracts by 14 December 2018. Communication conveying messages of acceptance of abstracts will be sent only to those authors who would have registered for the conference. It is therefore recommended that authors register for the conference by the time they submit their abstracts.

Council on Higher Education - South Africa

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